
I feel like I’m always talking about denim lately on Love Cloth but I can’t help it, most of my favourite pieces of clothing are denim.

The Perfect Denim Skirt.

My denim dungarees are my go-to and my straight mom jeans are a firm favourite. Shirts, skirts, dresses – you name it, I have them all. However, there was just one item on my hit list and it was an A-line denim skirt but I knew exactly which brand would help me fill that void. MiH.  If you haven’t heard about this brand, not only does it do great denim, it does great clothing. Like this awesome jumpsuit or blouse. With my birthday around the corner these just might just be added to my wish list.I’ve been looking for a new ‘dressy’ bag for a while now. After an unsuccessful trawl of the internet, I had a bit of a lightening bolt moment. I always get lovely compliments about my small Cambridge satchel cloud bag, it fits everything I need for a night out AND I could get a cute little KT embossed. So why not go for it in chic black. I know this is something I’ll use time and time again.

And finally.

The sun finally made an appearance long enough to get my sunglasses out at the weekend. I love these retro style round Ray-Ban 2447 Sunglasses which seem to be the popular style this summer. Making a nice change from my Clubmasters and Wayfarers but of course still in tortoise shell.Hope you have a wonderful week! x


